Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Swot Analysis Ofhot Tubs

The country 's water rebellious

The country 's water rebellious
It took a century conquistarsela their water, and now not even give up the dead: The' Alliance of Eastern Biellese is made by those who have not surrendered.
The "no" to those who have chosen a 'no other way than that of the private non-profit' s self: without government support, but fiercely independent, in the fullness of the spirit of public service.

November 15, 2009 It took a century conquistarsela their water, and now even the dead do not give up. I do not give up the common
nor to SPA that the municipal law being debated in parliament oblige - unique in Europe - to be more private, with the inevitable consolidation services in the hands of a few companies. It is the "no" to those who have chosen a 'no other way than that of the private non-profit' s self sparagnina without government support, but fiercely independent, in the fullness of the spirit of public service. Alliances are a hundred small country to have held out, building an archipelago that has its strong core to the east of Biella, in the mountains at the foot of Monte Rosa where Brother Dolcino consumed his last stand and where - always around the streams - was born a century is the largest district of the Italian textile industry: the 'Association of pools of "free water", a reality-source model that governs one hundred and twenty, a hundred miles of pipes, and serves five thousand inhabitants with rates among the most low d 'Europe (half a euro per cubic meter) compared to an excellent quality. The hobbit's guerrilla network subalpine find them nestled in the labyrinth moraine between Biella and the Sesia Valley, and their valleys (and their waters) are marked by shrines - San Rocco, San Bernardo, Heath, Novarelia - nesting eagle 's domains from which half North. In 'thin air here' s the Adamello,
the Apennines, the snow-covered pyramid of Monte Viso, the dome of Superga and San Gaudenzio Novara over the rice fields of Vercelli. View crazy these days of sunshine dedicated to San Martino mountain rivers shine like aluminum foil,
down towards the Po, which crosses the plain in the Monferrato. "Now I'll show you how we treat the 'water' Piero ago Temple, sixty-seven years, a small brown Alpine breeds, and hops down to the woods by Excalibur scattered curls of chestnut, secure lair of truffles. The holy ampulla is at the bottom of a valley, locked, sealed as in a temple. Six taps, one for each source
around. A stainless steel holding tank, a collection, a pump that pushes
top of the mountain. We climb on foot, the view is immense. Temple rises up here twice a week with his bunch of keys to control
. It is the caretaker of the water, it seems St. Peter. Sottoi foot, camouflaged, a reserve from 150 thousand liters,
level sensors, water purification at UVA, the zero point of widespread distribution up and down the hills. In the beginning was Mezzana Montaldo, on a hill top where the 'water did not come. It was an 'alliance of workers called "Communion" - established by notarial deed - which in 1907 was a gift from a source "comendatur" Triverio City of Garland, and put the money to
a pipeline intended to "Robinette" of the public highway . A century later, the consortium of Montaldo, fraction (
not be found on the card) of the City of Mezzana Mortigliengo, is to 'avant-garde. It was the first to abolish the chlorine in the Biella,
and now governs with a skillful balance fourteen small sources, fifteen kilometers of pipes of 'last type, plant
depurazionea of \u200b\u200bultraviolet and emergency response system to be envied. The secret: users and operators are the same thing.
If c 'is a failure, the alert is lightning fast, and repair the same. Performance on free and voluntary.
must surrender Here the public and free are not the same thing. 'C' is much more public in a private consortium
than you think, "says Simon on the phone Ubertino Red, twenty-four of Montaldo, who is studying political science
in China. He was secretary of the consortium of eighteen years and already today, by eight thousand kilometers away, still following with passion
the destinies of its water "rebel". Sign up here that the old have someone to fold. In nearby Deer Valley, which has succumbed to the SPA, the theft of live badly sources. "Those of Biella climb up here to explain cos' is the water, tell us that there will be a great thirst for the future ... piss everywhere but here ... the only ones to die of thirst in the bill are the drunken ride ...»,
the embattled Chiara Fiorina has an inn on the road to Quittengo. Said one customer, spreading to toma 'on garlic bread: "The scam is called the ATO, the optimal territorial authorities. It's all in the letter O. With that you put it in that place, "and a sip of Barbera. In fact, the people grumble, there 's nothing in the optimal management of large SPA.
"They have the worst of the worst of the public and private. Debts and high charges. "In one year the Court (a public company Biella)
has made a million in debt," grins the Mayor of Mezzana, Alfio Seraphic the PDL. To compensate, he played on bills,
and it is clear that "such budgets are made in four and four 'eight." Carletto Trivero Bellini: "They wasted and they peck
contributions. We save and we beaks kick in the teeth. " In Biella there are castles, feudalism has never taken root and for many years the public what has been ruled by the council of "fires", an elder in the family, and
to settle tribal disputes c 'was the' Amman, a ombudsman earlier its time. In such a world, right and left are abstract concepts. What matters is "the problem." In Deer Valley, for example, the problem is that, when the big ate the small, the 'water costs more than before. "We target-we have to pay for water purification
dirtiest city of Biella. 'S story about a wolf who eats the lamb'. "I do not want things to change," said Giancarlo,
Montaldo, to say here that the resistance is made by referring to 'old. "You can not beat a universal good in a world where six or exploited or exploited," they say, 'because the' water at the end she takes it. " Since I arrived SPA, almost no one cleans the channels drainage, tree roots are caught "a rat's tail" in the pipes el 'water s' muddies. The heavy rains make havoc: 's latest has uncovered the graves of Campiglia, the bones of the dead came to the school and
' children in 'range we have played well, "jokes but not too much Biella. Up here jump all the schemes.
not public against private, but caution against waste, small against big responsibility against bureaucracy, against
elbow grease finance, defense of territories against large retailers. It is the resistance to a distant center, indifferent, backed by local health authorities in the suburbs that allow large SPA maybe putting in water mains to 'arsenic, but beat up the little virtuoso waterworks with sadistic requirements. A Cossato, where the leaves to the rice fields of the Strona "ranĂ t" (derisive term for those are downstairs), when you talk about drinking water You do not think that city. The 'real water is just one of mountain people. It is a good network, the lymphatic system as a parallel, already begins to flow in the periphery, in the village of Ronco
in Val Strona. And in fact there is that people go to stock up. Come to see MPs who want to push the water
plural of 'Italy in a single pot. The procession starts from the polluted Po Valley every Saturday, with the tanks, looking for sources. Around the fountain in the town of Lora Trivero that pin H2O doc, clean
with ultraviolet rays, on weekends you elbowed to fill the bottles. C 'is some lunatic who is from Milan
with the station wagon full of tapes and swears that suits him. And the others? Those who do not know the open water, they do? Even they drink the 'water of the mayor who knows swimming. Those in the running to buy water Mercatone prisoner, then return
humpbacks with ten pounds of plastic packaging in each hand, to uphold the 'very Italian world record consumption of mineral water, 172 liters per-year capite.E there the circle of our anomaly, that of 'single European state that agrees to privatize, close to perfection. As a theorem.

It worked well or badly the 'Public Water Ronchi before the law in the 90s pushed into the cauldron of the SPA.
Since then, the local health bureaucracies have been fierce and the small towns, until their life has become impossible.

Therefore, to avoid trouble, a lot of open water are passed from hand. And many consortia, massacred bans for fear
have dropped his trousers and sold their equipment-free model. Result: death blow to territory, autonomy,
to grassroots democracy. In parallel with the new regime SPA, s' has seen a collapse of investment in networks (dropped by two thirds
in fifteen years), and a parallel increase in tariffs. All this often with loss of balance, obviously submissive shelves in the Italian user or the state-pants. From tomorrow it could be worse: the control of mountain water would rise
in Milan, Bologna. Or maybe in Paris or Australia, as has happened to British waters, finished in a 'single foreign company.

L 'Alliance of Eastern Biellese is made by those who have not surrendered: thirty-two consortia united by a critical mass
and resist the pressure. "But Alura, quand 'is that you go to clean the trays," grumbles a man Vallemosso saw pass the president of his consortium. "You see?" Says John Pizzato, "I are the ribs. This is our strength.
is a sign that I just feel something is wrong. Seven years ago the 'water was dropped at once, so we ran up and changed a mile of pipe in two days. We could do a patch, but no. We do not leave holes, even in the budget. " Just upstream of Mortigliengo came down a piece of road, eaten by 'water because of the bumps that no one cleans. The collapse exposed the pipe methane, but the province did not intervene for one euro, so the wound was widened. Here's how the 'carelessness kills territories. 'L' Italy - Piero says Temple - is the country of openings.
Cut the ribbons, are the TV, then it all ends there. Zero maintenance. " It happens the streets, let alone with the 'water, which is not seen.


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